At SIC, we treat legitimate motor claims with utmost urgency and pay compensation for the loss or damage to vehicle promptly.
Steps to follow to help us process your motor claim:
- Report accident to the Police
- Report to us with a photocopy of the driver's license and complete a motor claim form
- Provide pictures of the accident vehicle, clearly showing the registration number
- Furnish us with an estimate of the cost of repairs
- Do not admit liability or settle or negotiate to settle, or make any payment without our consent
- Do not effect repairs before we inspect the damaged to the vehicle
- Submit all claims, writs and letters from third parties to us unanswered
Who can make a claim?
- The Policy holder (Insured)
- Anyone whose property has been damaged by the insured's vehicle
- The injured victim(s)
- Administrators of a deceased estate
- Parents or guardians in the case of minors
Period within which to make a claim
- Injury/Death - up to 3 years from the date of accident
- Damage - up to 6 years from the date of accident
*** Just write a letter of claim directly to us as soon as practicable but within the period stated above.
Some circumstances under which your motor claim will be Repudiated
- Where there was no insurance cover for the vehicle at the time of the accident
- Where an unlicensed person was driving
- Where your vehicle was driven without your consent or permission
- Where there is change of ownership of the vehicle insured
- Using the vehicle for unauthorized purposes
- Using the vehicle whilst the driver was drunk
- Statute barred claims - where the claim was not submitted within the three(3) or six(6) years period
Documents required when liability is fully Accepted
Property Damage Claim
- Police Report
- An estimate of the cost of repairs
- Pictures of the damaged vehicle
- Photocopy of the driver's license on the one driving the vehicle
Injury Cases
- Police Report
- Medical Report
- Original receipts of medical bills incurred (To justify the cost being claimed for)
- Personal particulars
- Affidavit
- 2 passport-size pictures of the injured victim endorsed by the doctor who treated the victim
Deceased (Death) Cases
- Police Report
- Death certificate/Burial permit
- Letters of administration
- Personal particulars of the deceased
- Affidavit
- Endorsed passport-size pictures of administrators (2 each)